
Live from Colorado & Around the Globe! It's GLI!

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Tuesday, September 14th, 2021 from 5-7p.m. MST


Global Livingston Institute's Annual Event Celebration & Fundraiser!

Each year, the Global Livingston Institute (GLI) brings students, community leaders, friends, and family together to celebrate the innovative and exciting ways in which people are listening, thinking, and acting in the United States, East Africa, and beyond!

Hosted by Pat Hamill at Harman Hall!

400 St. Paul Street
Denver CO, 80206

 In spite of the global pandemic, the GLI continued to Listen. Think. Act. by:

  • Engaging more than 300 students in our virtual global classroom programs in collaboration with our 30 academic partners.

  • Providing over 1,500 individuals in Uganda with access to HIV testing and treatment. Reaching 1 million individuals with HIV awareness messaging at our virtual World AIDS Day concert.

  • Recycling 1 metric ton of plastic from the environment each month at our recycling centers in southern and northern Uganda.

  • Engaging nearly 500 women in our farming initiatives in northern Uganda.

  • Creating a virtual event series to bring together a supportive global community of 350 women from the US and East Africa.

 2021 Sponsorship Levels

Choose Your Sponsorship Level

Webale: $1,000

Includes 4 invitations to GLI's event in Denver.

Webale means "thank you" in Rukiga, the local language around Lake Bunyonyi. Your support helps us to continue to build relationships from Colorado to Kampala and we can't say webale enough!

Global Classroom Sponsor: $2,500

Includes 6 invitations to GLI's event in Denver.

That is about what it costs for Us to engage one student in East Africa or the US in our virtual five-week community development fellowship as we teach best practices around what it truly means to Listen. Think. Act. We plan on offering opportunities for hundreds of students in 2022 to engage internationally!


Farm to Table Sponsor: $5,000

Includes 6 invitations to GLI's event in Denver, recognition as 2021 annual event sponsor.

Over the past five years, we have supported farmers in northern Uganda to increase their yields, get their produce to the marketplace, and improve their incomes. We currently work with nearly 500 farmers near Lira, Uganda!

Keep Bunyonyi Blue Sponsor: $10,000

Includes 6 invitations to GLI's event in Denver, recognition as 2021 annual event sponsor, name and logo on GLI's website.

If you have travelled to Uganda with us, there's no doubt that you remember the beauty of Lake Bunyonyi. With your help, we can continue to provide employment opportunities on the lake and fund our environmental initiatives (solar and recycling) in the region!


Music & Public Health Sponsor: $15,000

Includes 6 invitations to GLI's event in Denver, recognition as 2021 annual event sponsor, name and logo on GLI's social media channels and website.

During COVID, we retooled our concerts and public health initiatives to reach thousands of individuals with free HIV testing and awareness through a virtual concert experience and outreach through local medical providers in Uganda!

Entusi 2.0 Sponsor: $25,000

Includes 8 invitations to GLI's event in Denver, recognition as 2021 annual event sponsor, name and logo on GLI's social media channels and website.

While it has been a difficult year for tourism in Uganda, we are still committed to supporting our colleagues and the community on the lake. We are looking for 10 sponsors to redesign, rebuild and reboot theEntusi Resort & Retreat Center!


Presenting Sponsor: $35,000

Includes 10 invitations to GLI's event in Denver, recognition as 2021 annual event sponsor, name, and logo on GLI social media channels and website.

In everything we do, GLI emphasizes the importance of dialogue, collaboration, and understanding. For this reason, we engage all of our partners, travelers, and scholars to adopt the Listen. Think. Act philosophy in programs with GLI. Together, we can bring people together on equal footing to create meaningful change!